Sunday, July 26, 2020

Interesting Items from the 2012 File Reading - UGA Undergraduate Admissions

Interesting Items from the 2012 File Reading - UGA Undergraduate Admissions Interesting Items from the 2012 File Reading We are still deep into reading freshman files, but here are a few interesting items about some of our applicants that we have learned from their files: Second place winner in a national texting tournament (over 500,000 participants), and was a part of a texting documentary National Bowling Champion (for age group) Numerous mascots for their HS team, from the Spartans to the Bears, and even one Mermaid Several applicants already had their own pilot licenses Founded clubs at their HSs or in the communities, such as an Anti-Bullying club, Pay It Forward club, Random Act of Kindness club, several BBQ clubs, Garden club, Rock Climbing club, Knitting club, Sandwich club (not club sandwich), Health club, Carpentry club, Investment club, and a wide range of other groups that are too numerous to name Atlanta Hawks Dancer Professional Recording Artist (actually, several of these!) Synchronized Swimmer Alpaca farm worker Worker in the Green Bay Packers press box Thousands of hours/miles spent traveling and volunteering around the globe by a huge number of applicants, with 6 of the 7 continents visited (did not see a trip to Antarctica) National Fencing Champion Leads in theater productions, ranging from Annie to Oliver and many others Family was offered over 50 cows (I believe the exact number was 57) for applicants hand in marriage on a trip abroad Numerous fluent bi-lingual and tri-lingual students, with one who I believe knows 7 languages CDC intern Fifteen plus applicants deferred their decision for a year, and spent time volunteering in South American, learning another language in China, attending a political science education program in Germany, and volunteering in poverty stricken areas in the United States. Wide range of Volunteer clubs/organizations were created, from Caring Crayons to Cleats for Christ (not all groups began with the letter C, I promise) GM for three Sports Fantasy Leagues (at one time) National Geographic Intern Intern for and small role in the TV show Walking Dead This is by no means a complete list of activities, clubs, sports, highlights, etc., only a partial glimpse into our applicant pool and the unique and interesting things they have done. These are only some of the things that stood out from the crowd during our file reading, so there are a number of other wonderful and amazing things our applicants have done. I just wanted to give you a glimpse of what we see. Go Dawgs!